




玄幻小说网 www.bookxh.com,:我是谁:无错无删减全文免费阅读!

    “You... you are the person wanted by the police, why are you here?(你……你是被警方通缉的那个人,你怎么会在这里?)”看到约翰科维奇,格雷格吃惊地道。

    “how many people like us who e out to mess around have not been wanted by the police? It's you, bringing a police officer over here. I think you're just trying to deal with mark!(像我们这种出来混的,有几个没被警察通缉过的?倒是你,领着个警察过来,我看你就是想对付马克老大!)”约翰科维奇道。

    “mark, don't believe him. You're pletely different from him. he's just a villain, but you're a gang leader who's also a thief!(马克老大,你不要相信他,你跟他完全不同,他就是一个恶棍,而你却是一个盗亦有道的帮派领袖!)”格雷格道。

    “You don't need to flatter me, I only want my son. As long as you are willing to let go of my son, I can let go of what you did.(你不用拍我马屁,我只要我儿子,只要你肯放了我儿子,我可以对你做的事既往不咎。)”马克亚当斯冲着格雷格道。

    “mark, don't you understand? I only wanted to ask for your help when I arrested your son, not to be enemies with you.(马克老大,你还不明白吗?我抓你儿子只是想请你帮忙,并不是想与你为敌。)”格雷格道。

    “You're still quibbling. If it weren't for the fact that we have so many people, you would have already taken action against mark, wouldn't you?(你还在狡辩,若不是你看我们人多,你早就已经对马克老大下手了不是吗?)”约翰科维奇道。顿了一下,约翰科维奇转向马克亚当斯道:“mark, don't waste any more time. hurry up and kill these two police officers to save your son!(马克老大,不要再浪费时间了,赶紧杀了这两个警察救回你儿子吧!)”

    “don't teach me how to do things, I just want my son back safely.(不要教我怎么做事,我只想安全的要回我的儿子。)”马克亚当斯瞪着约翰科维奇冷冷地道。


    “mark, it's okay to release your son, but you must help us deal with the poison hunter!(马克老大,放你儿子没问题,但你一定要帮我们搞定猎毒师啊!)”格雷格道。

    “Are you threatening me?(你是在威胁我吗?)”马克亚当斯厉声道。

    “No, I am asking you, for the souls of those who were killed by them, for those who were separated and displaced by them!(不,我是在请求你,替那些被他们杀死的亡魂,替那些被他们害的妻离子散流离失所的人!)”格雷格恳切地道。

    “I still said that, I just want my son back, as for what you said(我还是那句话,我只想要回我的儿子,至于你说的那些人那些事,与我无关!)”马克亚当斯冷冷地道。

    “Greg, wake up, this is reality! mark Adams is not as good as you say. In my opinion, he is no different from those thugs. what kind of thief also has a way? what kind of martial arts chivalry? It's all nonsense, it's just fishing for fame and reputation!(格雷格,你醒醒吧,这就是现实!马克亚当斯并没有你口中说的那么好,在我看来,他跟那些恶棍根本就没什么分别。什么盗亦有道?什么江湖侠义?全是胡说八道,根本就是沽名钓誉嘛!)”这时,站在一旁一直都没有说话的马克思突然开口道。


    “You don't need to use provocation, it's useless for me. I know what kind of person I am the most.(你们不用使激将法,对我没用的,我是什么样的人我自己最清楚。)”马克亚当斯道。


    “mark, the boss is right. As long as you are willing to let the young master go, we will not embarrass you!(马克老大说的对,只要你们肯放过公子,我们就不会为难你们!)”约翰科维奇冲着格雷格和马克思道。

    “don't be fooling around there, mark is the boss, you are you, he is different from you!(你少在那里狐假虎威,马克老大是马克老大,你是你,他跟你们不一样!)”格雷格道。

    “he's right, let my son go!(他说的没错,快放了我儿子!)”马克亚当斯道。

    “did you hear me? my dad asked you to let me go, why are you still waiting? hurry up and let me go!(你们听到了没有?我爸让你们放了我呢,还愣着干嘛?快给我松绑,让我走!)”此时,仍被捆绑着的马克亚当斯的儿子高声道。

    “mark, let me go over first to see if the young master is okay.(马克老大,让我先过去看看公子是否安好。)”约翰科维奇望着马克亚当斯道。

    “what are you looking at? Young master, he is very well, and we have not mistreated him!(看什么看?公子他好的很,我们又没有虐待他!)”格雷格冲着约翰科维奇吼道。

    “whether it's good or not cannot be solely based on your words. we need to check before we know.(好不好不能单凭你们说,我们要检查过才知道。)”约翰科维奇道。

    “dad, don't worry, they really haven't hurt me, I can testify to this.(爸爸你放心,他们确实没有伤害过我,这一点我可以作证。)”马克亚当斯的儿子道。

    “did you hear that? Young master will not lie to his father.(你听到了没有?公子是不会对自己的父亲撒谎的。)”格雷格冲着约翰科维奇道。

    “Young master, harming a person does not necessarily mean letting them know, so this must not be careless.(公子,伤害一个人不一定要让他本人知道的,所以这一点绝不可大意。)”约翰科维奇冲着马克亚当斯的儿子道。

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