




玄幻小说网 www.bookxh.com,:我是谁:无错无删减全文免费阅读!


    “Are they drug hunters?(他们是猎毒师?)”格雷格从敌人的身上看到了猎毒师特有的纹身。

    “Aren't you unwilling to e? why did you change your mind again?(你不是不肯来吗?为什么又改变主意了?)”马克思警长问道。

    “Ginny is missing, I suspect they did it!(金妮不见了,我怀疑是他们干的!)”格雷格道。

    “Anyway, if you're willing to e, I still want to thank you!(不管怎么样都好,你肯来我还是要谢谢你!)”马克思警长微笑道。

    “please put away your hypocrisy, I'm not for you, I'm for Ginny!(请收起你的虚情假意,我不是为了你,我是为了金妮!)”格雷格冷冷地道。

    “I understand. wele to join my friend!(我明白,欢迎你的加入我的朋友!)”马克思警长道。

    “e on, I didn't say I wanted to join you. I came to see you purely because I wanted to understand the organization of poison hunters.(少来,我并没有说要加入你,来找你完全是因为想要了解猎毒师这个组织。)”格雷格道。

    “You're right, they're drug hunters, but I don't know if they caught Ginny.(你说的没错,他们就是猎毒师,但是不是他们抓了金妮我就不知道了。)”马克思警长道。

    “who is their boss?(他们的老大是谁?)”格雷格问道。

    “their leader's name is Antonio, and he es from a Jewish family.(他们的老大叫安东尼奥,他出自一个犹太人的家庭。)”马克思警长道。

    “their leader is a descendant of Jews!(他们的老大是犹太人的后代!)”听马克思警长这么说,格雷格吃惊地道。

    “that's right! It is said that he established the organization poison hunter because his parents were ostracized and persecuted. he wanted to avenge every anti Semitic person and threatened to let them die without a burial ground.(没错!据说他是因为父母受到排斥和迫害,所以才建立猎毒师这个组织的。他要向每一个反犹的人士复仇,并扬言要让他们死无葬身之地。)”马克思警长介绍道。

    “okay, so he's a paranoid religious figure!(好吧,原来他是一个偏执的宗教分子!)”格雷格道。

    “Yes, he's just a paranoid bastard!(是的,他就是一个偏执的混蛋!)”马克思警长道。

    “So Ginny's current situation is too dangerous! Sheriff marx, Antonio, where is he now?(那金妮现在的处境太危险了!马克思警长,安东尼奥他现在在哪里?)”听完马克思警长的介绍,格雷格因为过于担心而激动地道。

    “I think this question should be answered by personnel within his organization, don't you think?(我想这个问题应该由他组织内的人员来回答,你觉得呢?)”说着,马克思警长将一名俘虏推到了格雷格的面前。

    “did you catch Ginny?(是不是你们抓了金妮?)”格雷格望着那名俘虏道。

    “I don't know, even if it is not in our group. Although we all belong to the organization of poison hunters, we do not act in unity, but rather in groups. this way, even if one group is attacked, it will not disrupt the deployment of other groups.(我不知道,就算是也不是我们这一组的。虽然我们都属于猎毒师这个组织,但我们并不是统一行动,而是分组进行。这样就算是哪一组遇袭,也不会打乱其他组的部署。)”那名俘虏回道。

    “where is your boss Antonio now?(你们老大安东尼奥现在在哪?)”格雷格继续问道。

    “No one knows where our boss is. we rely on signal flares. when we see signal flares in the sky, we will gather at the place that the boss has agreed with us in advance, and then he will convey orders to us.(没人知道我们老大在哪,我们是以信号弹为准,看到天空发出信号弹,我们就会在老大事先跟我们说好的地方聚集,然后他再给我们传达命令。)”那名俘虏道。

    “this guy is very cunning, it seems that catching a claw is useless.(这家伙很狡猾,看来抓到一个爪牙也无济于事。)”马克思警长无奈地道。顿了一下,马克思警长对着银行里的人质道:“Leave now, you are free!(快离开吧,你们自由了!)”

    “Let's go, Greg. e back to the police station with me first!(走吧格雷格,先跟我回警署再说!)”在人质都离开后,马克思警长搂着格雷格向外面走去,也不看格雷格那难看的要死的脸色。

    “melissa, please answer. what is the situation in each district now?(梅丽莎,听到请回答,现在各区的情况怎么样?)”走出银行,马克思警长按着对讲机上的通话键道。


    “No, it seems that there's an accident at the police station. oh, no, melissa is in danger!(不好,看来是警署出事了,糟了,梅丽莎有危险!)”马克思警长预感不妙道。




    “bastard, they actually killed melissa!(混蛋,他们竟然杀了梅丽莎!)”马克思警长愤怒地道。

    “Sheriff marx, we're even now. I think your mood should be as bad as mine now.(马克思警长,我们扯平了,我想你现在的心情应该跟我一样那么糟。)”格雷格道。

    “tell me quickly how to find your boss!(快告诉我,怎么才能找到你们老大!)”马克思警长拿枪指着那名俘虏咆哮道。

    “Sheriff, I have already told you, I really don't know unless our boss proactively contacts me.(警长,我已经告诉过你了,我真的不知道,除非我们老大主动联系我。)”那名俘虏再次解释道。

    “Sheriff marx, it seems that relying on police status cannot solve the problem, right?(马克思警长,看来靠着警察的身份并不能解决问题对吗?)”格雷格道。

    “Greg, are you mocking me?(格雷格,你是在嘲笑我吗?)”听格雷格这么说,马克思警长好似一颗被引燃了的炸弹。

    “okay, that's not what I meant. Look at your terrible mood!(... -->>





