




玄幻小说网 www.bookxh.com,:我是谁:无错无删减全文免费阅读!


    “Stinky boy, it's better if you're telling the truth!(臭小子,最好你说的是真的!)”马克思警长瞪着格雷格道。

    “Special circumstances require special measures, and I hope Sheriff marx can allow me to proceed with my actions.(特殊情况就要用特殊手段,希望马克思警长能够允许我接下来的做法。)”格雷格道。

    “Greg, what do you want to do next?(格雷格,你接下来想怎么做?)”听格雷格这么说,马克思警长预感到不妙。

    “I have a powerful and powerful thing in my hand, which can turn the world around.(我手里有一件很厉害很厉害的东西,这东西足可以扭转乾坤。)”格雷格道。

    “what is so powerful?(是什么东西这么厉害?)”马克思警长好奇地问道。

    “It's something that can shake both black and white!(是一件足可以撼动黑白两道的东西!)”格雷格微笑道。

    “Stinky boy, stop being so close and tell me what it is?(臭小子,别卖关子了,快告诉我是什么东西?)”马克思警长催促道。

    “Sheriff marx, if it's inconvenient for you to e forward with the next matter, let me handle it!(马克思警长,接下来的事你不便出面,就让我去着手办吧!)”格雷格道。

    “what are you talking about? why is it inconvenient for me to e forward? I am the sheriff, how could this matter be without me?(你说什么呢?为什么我不方便出面?我可是警长,这件事怎么能少了我?)”马克思警长不服气地道。

    “It is precisely because you are the sheriff that it is inconvenient for you to e forward.(正是因为你是警长,所以才不方便出面。)”格雷格道。

    “what is the reason behind this?(你这是什么道理?)”马克思警长不解地道。

    “because all the people I'm going to e into contact with next are the worst, most ferocious, and darkest gang leaders, as a police chief, it's inconvenient for you to e forward!(因为我接下来要去接触的全部都是最坏、最凶、最黑的黑帮头目,所以做为警长,你才不便出面嘛!)”格雷格道。

    “Are you going to use them? they're just a bunch of scumbags! besides, how do you know they will definitely listen to you?(你要去动用他们?他们就是一群人渣!更何况你怎么知道他们就一定会听你的?)”马克思警长震惊地道。

    “Except for that powerful thing, everything else depends on luck.(除了那件很厉害的东西之外,其他的就看运气了。)”格雷格道。

    “No, this matter is too dangerous, you can't do it!(不行,这件事太凶险了,你不能干!)”马克思警长反对道。

    “If I don't do this, I won't be able to save Ginny or change the current situation.(如果我不这么做,就救不回金妮,也改变不了现在的境况。)”格雷格道。

    “If you must do this, you must take me with you. I don't trust you alone!(如果你非要这么做的话那就必须带上我,你一个人我不放心!)”马克思警长道。

    “do you want to participate in this matter? You're the sheriff, how do you deal with those gang leaders? And some of them have had grudges with you.(你要参与这件事?你可是警长啊,你怎么面对那些黑帮头目?并且他们中有的还跟你有过仇怨。)”格雷格问道。

    “this is simple. I can hide my identity as a police chief without wearing police uniforms. Now you are the boss, and I am your attendant.(这个简单,我可以不穿警服,收起警长的身份,现在你才是老大,我是你的跟班。)”马克思警长笑道。

    “Are you sure you want to do this? Are you really willing?(你确定要这么做吗?你真的甘心?)”格雷格有些不敢相信。

    “of course, I once said that for miami and Florida, I would be willing to kneel for you, and that's nothing.(当然,我曾经说过,为了迈阿密,为了佛罗里达,让我给你下跪我都愿意,这又算得了什么。)”马克思警长道。

    “okay, that really hurts you, Sheriff marx.(好吧,那真是委屈你了马克思警长。)”格雷格道。

    “No, boss, I'm your little attendant now, not some sheriff!(不,老大,我现在是你的小跟班,不是什么警长!)”马克思警长笑道。

    “Let's go, follow me and go to my place to pick up the most powerful thing together.(走吧跟班,一起去我那里取那件最厉害的东西。)”格雷格道。

    “wait, boss, what about this guy?(等一下,老大,这家伙怎么办?)”马克思警长望了一眼那名俘虏道。

    “don't kill me, I won't report it. If the boss doesn't contact me, I won't have a chance!(不要杀我,我不会去报信的,老大不联系我,我根本就没机会啊!)”那名俘虏道。

    “According to me, it's better to kill him before he goes to report.(依我说还是杀了好,省得他去报信。)”格雷格回头看了一眼那名俘虏道。

    “Knock him unconscious and let him live and die on his own!(把他打晕让他自生自灭吧!)”说着,马克思警长从后面一下打晕了他。

    “Sheriff marx, you said I'm the boss, you're just my attendant. why make your own decisions?(马克思警长,你说过我是老大的,你只是我的跟班而已,为什么要自作主张?)”格雷格不满地道。

    “boss, could you also take care of my emotions? After all, I am a police officer. how can I just say 'kill'?(老大,也请你照顾一下我的情绪好吗?我毕竟是警察嘛,怎么能说杀就杀?)”马克思警长道。












